Tinneale @ Abby Winters

Before the Shoot :

I feel so hot today ! Really hot ... it’s weird. I didn’t want to put clothes on this morning cos I was too hot ... and now I want to take them all off again. Maybe I have a fever... a sexy fever !?! I love how the word hot is so ambiguous. Ambiguity is really what I look for in a word ... when I’m looking for a word, that is. Which is often. In conclusion, I am both feeling sexy & temperature hot ... does that clear it up for you ?

After the Shoot :

As usual, lots of fun ! Nakey is always fun ... unless you’re getting strip searched... but there’s always an exception there to ruin your fun. In any case, i was’nt getting strip searched, so the exception doesn’t apply! yay for me ! If i write my name big then i can stop writing. Always choose quantity over quality when it comes to the size of your letters. And also the size of your rambling. No one wants quality rambling. Is quality rambling really rambling, after all ? And is rambling when not in large quantity ? These are the questions. I find myself asking every day. No, actually, that’s a lie ... thus is the first time I’ve asked that question so hopefully the last, too, for your sake.

Tinneale for Abby Winters

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