Gail @ Abby Winters

Before the Shoot :

 Questions to ask myself
where am I going ?
What will I do ?
On location ?

 Feeling a bit edgy and nervous.
Been my first shoot but looking forward to it at same time and excited.

After the Shoot :

First things first :
The shoot turned out to be really fun.
The poses were well done. Interesting concept to do the shoot in the kitchen.
The cat had a good time and laught had by all.
Once getting into the flow of things all nerves disapeared and the fun began.

Gail for Abby Winters

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    Wow Gail, you are seriously hot!

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    I normally go for women with a bit more meat on their frame, but Gail is absolutely beautiful all over. Pretty face & cheeky attitude that comes across very sexy. That close-up shot of her hairy cunt-mound is glorious. I can imagine opening up her pussy with my tongue & exploring her clitoris & fanny lips for an hour or so. Geoff.

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    Gail has the most amazingly horny cunt-mound.

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    Got to be the hottest girl around!

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    love your cunt mound shot

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    gail! nice shapely butt!!!!! love to suck those feet!!!!!

    Bobby tongue

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    Chère Gaby,
    Il m’est difficile de croire que cela fait plus de trois ans que personne n’ait relevé ton extraordinaire beauté. Il est vrai que Dame Nature t’as gâtée de partout, mais tu peux être particulièrement fière de ton mont de Vénus, P H E N O M E N A L !!! Sa photo mériterait de figurer dans le dictionnaire et tout le monde comprendrait tout de suite pourquoi on appelle cela un "mont". J’espère que tu sauras apprécier ce compliment à sa juste valeur!

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    Very sexy, such perfect titties.just the right amount of hair to frame that delicious pussy

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