Jemma M

24 August 2017, 23:54, by anon

John K in January 2016 said he liked it that there’s 3 years between Jemma’s first and last shoot. In fact if you hover over the backstage images you can see that all her shoots - four of the best on Abby Winters - were actually taken over a four month period between May and September 2009. I don’t know why it wasn’t until 2011 that her final shoot appeared on the site. Her ISM shoot - which she mentions in her first video - didn’t appear until 2012. Jemma said she was going to do a shoot for Abby Winters in Amsterdam but I don’t think she ever did. Pity - she is one of the best and what Abby Winters is about. Jemma must now be nearly thirty but I hope she looks back at her time on Abby Winters with pride and enjoyment. Maybe from time to time she takes a sneaky look at herself on the website

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